Monday, August 8, 2011

Candida - An Introduction

Candida - An Introduction

Many population suffer from an excess of candida in their bodies, and sinus problems are among the effects. The yeast (a form of fungus), is called candida and the disease is referred to as candidiasis. If you feel listless, achy, or even light-headed or "spacy", in expanding to having sinus and other health problems, you many have an excess of candida.

Candida can flourish in the body when the immune theory is impaired. The disease is often a effect of taking too many courses of antibiotics or other medications that can harm the immune system. Dr. Robert Ivker, in his book "Sinus Survival" states "What I have repeatedly observed in my practice is that the vast majority of population with chronic sinusitis, who have taken three or more ten-day to two-week courses of antibiotics within a six month period, probably have some degree of candidiasis." distinct hormones can also lead to the disease, including those in birth control pills, as can cortisone medications such as prednisone. A high-sugar diet can also help the increase of candida, which uses sugar as a food. Diabetics have a higher than normal propensity for having candidiasis.

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Unfortunately there is no easy test that can be used to rule if one has the disease, and many population tend to diagnose the qoute themselves after numerous visits to a doctor, who cannot diagnose exactly what is wrong with them. Many candida sufferers are told "it's all in your head". There is a easy test of spitting into a glass and observing the mucus and how it dissipates. This seems rather folkloric, but there are regularly grains of truth in folklore. actually this would not constitute a definitive diagnosis, but it might give some population an indication. This test is actually found on an internet search with the keyword, candida. frequently the best prognosis is to set out on a procedure of treatment to see if there is improvement in the patient's conditions. Background questionnaires are also ordinarily used to rule probability of the proximity of candida. If this seems potential and one has a amount of the symptoms, it would make sense to seek out a doctor or expert who has widespread sense in treating fungal diseases.

Sinus problems are only one of the many issues that are confronted with candida. When candida spread throughout the body they tend to congregate in moist mucous tissue in the lungs and nasal areas, so sinus problems are often a effect of candida. Other symptoms consist of sluggishness and a feeling of being "spaced out", irritability, depression, mood swings, as well as itching and burning sensations when urinating. Diarrhea, cramping or constipation, and of procedure stuffy or runny nose and sinus infections are also experienced by candidiasis sufferers. Also noted as symptoms are cravings for distinct foods, such as breads, sugars, cheeses, and alcohol.

Treatment is not easy and ordinarily consists of a "candida" diet. This diet is high in protein and vegetables and low on carbohydrates. It must be difficult to articulate this type of diet for extended periods. The diet aims to take away the fuel needed by candida to thrive. There are products available on the internet that claim to help candida patients, and one should explore these thoroughly before taking them. actually one should fetch a doctor's notion before taking some sort of supplement. One could even try to personally sense population who have given endorsements for the product. Some of these are not very expensive, however, and the cost of trying them, given approval by a doctor, might be worth the cost and effort.

Sinusitis in itself is a difficult qoute to live with as is well documented at, but candida sufferers must undergo other health issues as well. Many of these supplement products and more data can be found actually by doing an internet search for "candida" or "candidiasis".

Candida - An Introduction

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