Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Causes Of Maxillary Sinus Disease

Causes Of Maxillary Sinus Disease

There are four main sinus cavities in the head. They are frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid and maxillary. As the name suggests, maxillary sinus disease occurs when the membrane of the maxillary sinus cavity becomes inflamed. The maxillary sinuses are basically placed below the eyes on either side of the nose. The inflammation of the mucous membrane may be due to infection or allergy.

Maxillary sinus disease basically causes tenderness and acute pain in the cheeks. It may also cause swelling of facial muscles. Pain in the upper or back teeth may also occur. This pain increases on bending down.

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Maxillary sinus disease can also occur due to lack of oral health. If a someone does not take care of his/ her teeth in a proper manner, there is growth of bacteria in the teeth and the gums. The bacteria may then spread to the maxillary sinus as the sinus cavity is connected to the nasal cavity and the mouth. Maxillary sinus may also cause jaw pain.

Though sinus can legitimately be cured by medication like anti-inflammatory drugs and decongestants, surgery may also be required at times. Nasal irrigation i.e. Removing the mucous with the help of warm saline water and a syringe is someone else technique used to cure sinus. Some doctors also recommend a warm compress on the affected parts of the face.

Jaw pain caused due to maxillary sinus disease is often confused with quarterly dental pain though there is a major difference. Jaw pain connected with sinusitis is all the time accompanied by symptoms like fever, fatigue, nasal dismissal and headache. This does not happen in case of dental pain. Jaw pain due to sinusitis all the time occurs in the upper back teeth whereas dental pain can occur in any part of the teeth.

Jaw pain or other symptoms caused due to maxillary sinus disease should not be ignored. A dentist should be consulted as soon as possible. If the dentist suspects sinusitis, he/she will additional recommend the inpatient to a normal physician. Medication should be taken at the earliest to avoid complications and surgery.

Causes Of Maxillary Sinus Disease

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